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1988. Spent two nights at the "Indra Regent" on the way home from Brisbane. Stopped at Melbourne and had to change planes at Singapore so didn't get to the Hotel until about 2AM the first night. Our guide (who met us at the Airport) offered us a choice of trips for the following day, most of which started at 6.30 or 8.30, no chance of us waking up by then. We settled for an afternoon trip to the Grand Palace and Temples (this was the main thing we wanted to see anyway). So ornate as to be breathtaking although we'd always thought that they were hundreds of years old and not "only" two hundred. Had a good wander around the markets (all those fake Rolex) and had a great time, not long enough of course. Edna took some photos but (again, twice on this holiday) had put the film in the wrong way so no pictures.




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