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2003 Adonia Cruise.

If you're not going on a tour then DON'T GET OFF THE SHIP. Having "done" the pyramids previously we decided to take a walk around the City. A lovely Mosque but, unfortunately, the whole place was ruined by a bunch of school kids who wouldn't leave us alone. Local shop keepers were yelling at the kids to get rid of them but as soon as we were out of sight of the shops they were back. A real pest. Counter-productive for the local trade. The kids weren't likely to get anything but a kick in the ***** and we never spent a sou in Port Said. We were used to good natured pestering, having been to Egypt a couple of times before, but these would not leave until we got back to ship. It seems to me that, if you're in a tourist trap, the locals understand "no" (there's plenty more where we came from) but if you're in a non-touristy area they won't leave you alone.

Mosque in Port Said
Mosque in Port Said


Copyright © 2004 - 2019 Terry Smith

Port Said