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1990, 1996, 1997 and 2003 Adonia Cruise. We took the plunge and bought a time share in Torrent Bay near San Antonio. It was relatively inexpensive and we used it to exchange several times but eventually decided that it was too restrictive (we didn't want to keep going to the same place) and package holidays are so much more convenient. Ibiza though, is great. San Antonia is fun (when the clubbers are about we were in bed!) and the island has a lot going for it.

Torrent Bay 1990Torrent Bay Club 1990
Torrent Bay and Torrent Bay Club 1990

2018 Barcelona & the Western Med.
Having been to Ibiza Town a few(!) times we just got the shuttle bus in and had a wander around. It seemed a long walk from the ship to the bus (are we getting old?) so we weren't too keen to walk too far. When we got back to the bus no driver so we stood around. A lady, with a disabled pusher, found the sun too warm so stood by the bus door. The driver arrived and, trying to be helpful, used the remote to open the door. Result, the lady (who couldn't move fast enough) was pushed over by the door. I was one that assisted her and, from that time on, we seemed to meet her all over the ship! Always asked how she was (no big problem so it became a bit of a laugh in the end). I think her name was Barbara (why don't we British introduce ourselves more?). Anyway, not too many photos but one of the lighthouse.

2018 Musical Mediterranean Caught the shuttle bus in again. Shouldn't have bothered! It dropped us in the same place and, with several other HUGE cruise ships in, it was horrendous! had a walk around but back on the ship pretty quickly. Next time, stay on board.

Copyright © 2004 - 2018 Terry Smith
